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Uncuffed empowers people in California prisons to tell their own stories. The award-winning collaboration between incarcerated student producers and professional journalists shines light on the human experience of people before, during, and after their prison terms. The new Season 4 is hosted by formerly incarcerated producer Greg Eskridge. https://www.WeAreUncuffed.org
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Should I buy a house? Why do I say “like” so much? Should Gen Z bother to save for retirement? Explain It to Me is the hotline for the issues that matter to your life. Send us your questions about health, personal finance, relationships, and anything else that matters to you. Host Jonquilyn Hill will take you on a journey to find the answers, whether it's to the halls of Congress or the local bar. You’ll get the answers you were looking for, and sometimes ones you didn't expect — and always ...
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Biscuits & Jam

Southern Living

In the South, food and music go hand in hand. They define much of what we think of as Southern culture, and they say a lot about our past, our present, and our future. Each week, Sid Evans, Editor in Chief of Southern Living, sits down with musicians, chefs, and other Southern icons to hear the stories of how they grew up, what inspires them, and why they feel connected to the region. Through honest conversations, Sid explores childhood memories, the family meals they still think about, and ...
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Culture File

RTÉ lyric fm

Luke Clancy's culture come-all-ye, featuring bright spots in music, performance, film, tv and art from Ireland and the world. Broadcast weekdays on Lorcan Murray's Classic Drive and Saturdays at 6.30pm on RTÉ lyric fm.
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Daily Detroit

Daily Detroit

What to know and where to go in Metro Detroit! We have conversations that push Detroit forward and share local stories about restaurants, business, development, local government, policy, technology, things to do, transit and more. All in about 22 minutes a day.
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Crazy Wisdom

Stewart Alsop

In his series "Crazy Wisdom," Stewart Alsop explores cutting-edge topics, particularly in the realm of technology, such as Urbit and artificial intelligence. Alsop embarks on a quest for meaning, engaging with others to expand his own understanding of reality and that of his audience. The topics covered in "Crazy Wisdom" are diverse, ranging from emerging technologies to spirituality, philosophy, and general life experiences. Alsop's unique approach aims to make connections between seemingly ...
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The Detroit History Podcast

The Detroit History Podcast

The Detroit History Podcast returns for Season Six with a menu of programs as diverse as wrestling, bebop jazz, and a failed automobile. We'll look at the life of The Sheik, who threw fire and terrorized fellow grapplers during his wrestling career, which peaked in the 1960s and beyond. We saw something different on the road while we prepped for Season Six: an Edsel, which was the biggest flop in automotive history when it was introduced in 1957. We wanted to know: how could the smart people ...
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The CBS News team wraps up the major headlines you need to know every day on the CBS News Roundup podcast. On weekday mornings, Steve Kathan delivers the “World News Roundup” and every evening you can catch up on all the day's news with Jennifer Keiper on the “World News Roundup: Late Edition”. Then, every weekend the CBS News team in Washington goes deep into the major stories on “Weekend Roundup'' hosted by Allison Keyes. Each episode features a “Kaleidoscope” segment that takes on social ...
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Discussions about the science of nutrition, dietetics and health. The podcast that educates through nuanced conversations, exploring evidence and cultivating critical thinking. Hosted by Danny Lennon.
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At Olympics.com, we tell Olympic stories year-round. Come along with us for in-depth interviews with the inspiring individuals who capture the world's imagination every two years as they go faster, higher, stronger - together. Host Nick McCarvel is joined regularly by one-of-a-kind guests - including athletes themselves, coaches, sporting legends - as well as Olympics.com producers and contributors - and more. Catch new episodes on Wednesdays every other week.
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An international chat show on the politics, history, current events, and peoples of the Slavic world, sponsored by The University of Texas at Austin's Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies and Clements Center for National Security. Whether you're a Slavophile, a foreign affairs junkie, or simply a curious mind, The Slavic Connexion offers insightful, accessible, and even fun discussions on the sprawling region in the context of our hyperconnected world. "It's not typical Te ...
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The No.1 Home Service Podcast where Mike Andes, founder of Augusta Lawn Care Services Franchise, Pay for Performance, and Copilot CRM, shares invaluable insights into growing a profitable home service business. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, Mike dives into the nitty-gritty of what it takes to succeed in the home service industry. With his wealth of experience and expertise, Mike answers your burning questions, provides actionable strategies, and offers practica ...
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At dawn on the 25th of October 1878, a search party of four Victoria policemen rode out of Mansfield in north east Victoria to find and arrest Ned Kelly. They would not all return. 'A Shout from the Long Grass - The Police Murders at Stringybark Creek' is a podcast from Victoria Police that tells the story of one of the deadliest attacks ever on police in Victoria, and one of the most infamous chapters in Australian history. Narrated by Ralph Stavely. Original music by the Victoria Police Band.
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Saturday Night Freak Show

Saturday Night Freak Show

Each Saturday, the Internet Radio Superstars (Colin, Sean, Holly and Michaela) assemble for some movie watchin' and analysis, with the accent on geek cinema, horror, sci-fi, and action films - chosen round-robin style by the Saturday Night Freak Show! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Wild West Podcast

Michael King/Brad Smalley

Welcome to the Wild West podcast, where fact and legend merge. We present the true accounts of individuals who settled in towns built out of hunger for money, regulated by fast guns, who walked on both sides of the law, patrolling, investing in, and regulating the brothels, saloons, and gambling houses. These are stories of the men who made the history of the Old West come alive - bringing with them the birth of legends, brought to order by a six-gun and laid to rest with their boots on. Joi ...
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You call, you get on - that's the Midday Madness promise! Dwayne Russell's afternoon program has a strong focus on talkback, discussing the big issues of the AFL season each day with listeners as well as the latest news from around the sporting world.
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